That's what we've been doing. It's amazing how kids can change your perspective on life, love, and the small things in life. Since the girls have turned one, our days have been pretty crazy. Newborn twins have NOTHING on toddler twins. I'd give anything to have just one day of lounging on the couch with 1 girl strapped in her swing and the other buckled in tightly in her rocking chair. The only worry back then was what contraption I would use next to help soothe and secure them while I tried to sneak in a power nap or (gasp) a shower! Ahh, those were the days...and I'm referring to the days I actually showered before my husband got home or even everyday for that matter!
It's almost as if instantly something ignited their curiosity and interest in all of the LITTLE things around them. For example, my daughters can spot a crumb, piece of lint, or leftover dog food kernel from a mile away. No joke, I spend most of their nap time on my hands and knees scouring the playroom floor for any little speck of garbage that they might spy. You better believe that the moment they spot that crumb, it's in their tiny little grip and on the brink of being their mid morning snack. Oh and the best part? The bloody murder screaming that ensues when I have to pry that leftover, stale and linty pop tart piece out of their mouth. What happened to the tiny little wimpers and grunts my girls used to make? I swear they only have 1 level on their volume control and it's nowhere near the soothing soft sounds of elevator music. My girls would give American Idol's Adam Lambert a run for his money.
Screaming seems to be the only way they think they can get mommy's attention. I used to be able to cruise the malls, browse the sale racks, and occasionally try on that cute little sundress I spied on the mannequin (even though I have nowhere to wear it and it's hanging in my closet with the tags still on). But now, the girls cringe at the mere sight of the double door entrance at my local Nordies. And if the MAC lady even looks at them wrong, the entire makeup department will know about it. Then again, I don't blame them, makeup that heavy only belongs on Drag Queens! Just Saying. I rarely make it to the malls but sometimes I just NEED my fix. My solution? I make sure to skimp on their breakfast and pack loads and loads of snacks to feed them in the stroller! Don't judge...I see you taking notes. This technique allows me to squeeze in a good 30 minutes in 1 department and even a brief moment in the dressing room. And to the lady next in line to use my dressing room? Sorry about the 50 goldfish that never made it into my daughters mouths. A mama's gotta do what she's gotta do.
We've been hitting up all the local parks on a daily basis. Between the tot lots, endless fields of grass, and sandy volleyball courts that have become our make shift "beaches" my girls and I are fortunate enough to spend our days working on our fabulous sun kissed tans. Actually, half our color comes from all the dirt and sand that the girls roll around in. It's a cheaper, creative, suburban (ok, ghetto) solution to a spray tan! Thank goodness my girls love baths. 2 baths a day are standard now a days. I do, however, feel the need to clean my bathtub BEFORE the cleaning ladies arrive. Anybody with me on this one?
This is just a little of what we've been up to lately. Lots more to share (and vent) about in the next post. So stay tuned.
And because I am such a "mammarazzi" what's a blog entry without pictures??
My little multi-tasker. Sunbathing and grocery shopping at the same time! |
Another one of my "garage sale" finds. $15 for this sand/water table! |
Laundry day at my house. My husband might refer to this as "everyday" at our house. |
All I'm missing are some pink cowboy boots! |
Love the look in his eyes when he holds his little girls. Makes. Me. Melt. |
Yay, our tia, tio and cousins are in town! I'm not the only one who likes playing dress up with the girls. |
It is now, nearly impossible to keep accessories on these girls! |
Grandpa and Lola checking out the little chicks. |
New Beanie! |
Running off with her sister's shoe. |
Seconds before that leaf became lunch. |
Cruising around Pretend City. |
Munching on a left over Goldfish she spotted on the floor! |
New "big girl" chairs!! |
Stella loves her strawberries. |
One of the rare moments I captured BOTH girls "kinda" looking in the same direction for a photo.
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