Whether we are strolling through the park, running a quick errand at Target, cruising the malls, or enjoying a sweet treat at our favorite little corner bakery, we never seem to escape the stares, the doting, and the inevitable question "wow, are they twins?" Really people? As if the striking resemblance, the matching outfits, and the identical age and size of the two didn't already give it away? (Don't even get me started on this one) Once we establish that yes, they are twins, the natural progression of the conversation always ends with a sympathetic, "How do you do it?"
Now, let me honest, I LOVE the attention that my girls get. It took me 3 long, emotional years to start our family all in the midst of losing my own mother, so becoming a mother to two beautiful little girls is a dream come true. These girls were desperately wanted and for the rest of my life, I will continue to parade them around and show them off. They may be MINE, but just look at them...how can I NOT share that amount of cuteness with others?? But after the ooh's and ahh's that my girls get, the conversation always seems to get sour. As if I need to be reminded of the amount of work that it takes to take care of twins, right? Yes, it's hard, tiring, frustrating and expensive. But let's be real here. Isn't being a MOM to even 1 child all of these things? I don't mean to downplay the level of difficulty it is to be a mom to twins (so simmer down all you twin moms :) I just want to express that I don't find my role to be any more challenging than any of you other moms out there. We all have days that defeat us and days that end in tears.
How do any of us do it? Some of you work full or part time, attend classes, are dealing with health issues, family issues, financial issues, or even personal issues. Being a mom, especially a good one, takes every thing out of us sometimes and to juggle the rest of our responsibilities in life is pretty darn challenging. At times, it's near impossible, yet we always manage to get through it as best as we can. We suck it up, brave a new day and pour ourselves an extra strong cup of coffee and enter the battlefield of parenthood without hesitation. Why? Because it's just who we are as mothers and after a long, tiring day, tucking in our little loves, kissing them goodnight, and caressing their flawless skin makes it all worth it. We will most likely never get a real Thank You for years and years to come, if ever at all. They may never know how much we really love them until they experience parenthood for themselves. But even knowing this, there isn't a single day of their life that we don't put our best foot forward and give them our all. Sometimes it's not profound...maybe it's all our energy, our patience, our creativity or our attention. Whatever it may be, it's all we got, and darn it, it's all for them.
I usually just shrug and politely change the subject when someone asks me how I do it. I think it's safe to assume that they don't really care how the heck I get two dirty girls bathed, changed, and out the door or nursed, rocked, and in bed by 7, or napping and sleeping through the entire night. So instead of just politely shrugging it off, I've decided that I will have a new thought provoking response and new attitude towards what used to be an annoying question:
How do ANY of us do it??
This last month has been full of birthdays, visits, belly aching laughter, weekend getaways, date nights, party planning and play dates. Along with all the fun, we've also had fevers, teething, colds, Dr. visits, shots, tantrums and so much more. It's been a long, exhausting and sleep deprived month. But when I'm tempted to throw myself a pity party after a hard day, I sneak a peek into my girls bedrooms while they sleep and am quickly reminded why it's all worth it.
This my friends, is why it's oh-so-worth-it
We ran into our friend Josh at the park. What a cutie, he wanted to hang and strike a pose for the camera! |
Thank you Auntie Jill for making the long trip from New York to finally meet us! |
My daughter...the exhibitionist. |
Scored this little gem at a garage sale for $15. My girls love it! |
Taking a stroll in the neighborhood |
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Date Night! Our limo is waiting out front...no joke, we took a limo!! HA! |
Since my daughter's have NEVER had a bottle, they now use it as a teething toy. Whatever works. |
The only thing missing from this pic is a couple of piggies...and they are upstairs napping. |
1 swing, 2 babies = no problem! Time to improvise. |
In just three weeks the girls will be turning 1!! I've been plotting and scheming for their big party. I can't wait to celebrate their birth and their 1st year with all of our friends and family.
Has it really been a year already? Where does the time go??