...new me. I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. In fact I've never made one before. Which means by default, I've also never failed at one either! Not that anything was wrong with the old me (insert sarcasm here), I'm just craving some new beginnings and strongly desire to become a better wife, mom, daughter and overall person.

These two beauties have given me such purpose and a greater appreciation for life. I want to make sure to squeeze every bit of out of the life I was given and want my girls to be proud of the mother they have. I want them to feel the sunshine on their tiny little bodies every day that it is out and I want them to wiggle their toes in the dirt, sand, or grass every chance they get. I want to be more "present" every moment I am with them and forget about the pile of laundry that needs to be folded or the toys that need to be picked up. I want to make sure that every moment I have with them is memorable and unlike no other. I want to smother them with fun, goofiness, cuddles, kisses and just plain love because they deserve it.

The holidays are just about packed up. That dang tree is staring me down begging me to give it it's final resting spot and the garland and nativity scenes are being boxed up as I type. The neighbors cookies and treats have been polished off and all the holiday left overs are long gone. Oh how I wish I could blame my husband for not leaving a crumb behind, but the little, I repeat, LITTLE muffin top on my "skinny" jeans begs to differ. I know it's so cliche but one of my resolutions is to lose the rest of my pregnancy weight and take better care of my body. I refuse to utter the word "diet" so instead, I am resolved to eating healthy and excercising more. Not only for me, but for my girls. I intend on being around for a very long time and while I'm here I always want to have the energy for them.
My vow to incorporate a healthier lifestyle isn't the only resolution I've made. I actually hesitate to call my list "resolutions" out of fear that I will consider it a failure if I don't accomplish them. Instead, I will call it my 2011 bucket list. This way I can relish in the accomplishments of completing my goals and I can have a list of "things" to look forward to. So here it goes...
-Have a picnic in the park with my family. No phones, no iPads, no electronics. Just me, my husband, my girls and God's creation.
-Finally complete one of the several scrapbooks that I've started
-Run a 5k with my girls. Double jogger in tow.
-Clean out my closet and donate my clothes to a worthy organization
-Attend The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network's yearly fundraising gala in honor of my mom and grandmother who both succumbed to the horrible disease.
-Hike a new spot in Orange County at least once a month with the girls strapped to our backs.
-Take my girls to my husband and I's favorite spot in the world, Hanalei Bay, Kauai and let them dig their toes in the sand for hours.
-Surprise my husband with a spontaneous trip or gift just because.
-Take more pictures and not let them just sit in cyber storage.
-Be more present as a mother and not sweat the small stuff. Enjoy every moment, as it will soon just be a memory.
-Live healthier. More fun in the sun, puddle jumping in the rain, snacking straight from mother nature, and washing it all down with God's greatest cocktail, H20.
There you have it, my New Year's Bucket List. A new year, a new me. I have so much to look forward to and so much to be grateful for.
Take a look for yourself...