Last week, my girls turned 8 months old. It's amazing how much "stuff" happens in 8 months. Recently, the girls have really blossomed and I feel as if the last month has brought the most monumental milestones to date. The girls are now:
...Sleeping through the ENTIRE night! That's right, its no typo, both babies are sleeping all night without a single interruption! Maybe most of you mommies have had the pleasure of reaching this milestone quicker, but at times, I felt as if this day was never going to come. Heck, who am I kidding, I spent many restless nights crying with my girls wondering if I'd EVER sleep again. It's only been a week that both girls have slept all night, but I gotta admit two babies going down at 7:30 at night without a single fuss and sleeping 10-12 hours straight sure is heavenly. I guess consistency, patience, and a few (heartbreaking) "cry it out" moments were all worth it. Now if only this paranoid mama could stop with the middle of the night check ins, maybe I can get a solid 5 hour stretch of sleep for myself!
...Talking up a storm! Lola's first word was 'Coco'. Of course she would pick our dog's name and not Mama or Dada, right? She is quite the character, our little Lola. She loves to mimic me and gets a kick out of all the funny sounds that seem to escape her tiny little mouth. Stella is not too far behind. She can listen to herself squeal all day long and loves blowing bubbles with her lips. This is cute until I'm trying to nurse her and she decides to take a dozen or so breaks from feeding to blow her bubbles while I have a hungry sister screaming in the background impatiently waiting her turn to nurse. (I stopped tandem nursing a few weeks ago, because the girls couldn't keep their hands off of each other and now timing and patience is the challenge I'm faced with.) Stellie's favorite sounds seem to be 'mamamama' and 'dadadada' so I'm predicting an intentional 'mama' is just around the corner!
...Grabbing everything in sight! A couple of weeks ago, I had Lola in my arms and was prepping some last minute items for dinner. I open the fridge and before I could even blink, a bottle of A1 sauce went from on the shelf, to in her hands, to on the floor. SPLAT! A1 all over the kitchen floor. Thankfully, the dogs were nearby and clean up wasn't as bad as it could have been. Her sister is just as bad. We went shopping a few days later and since they have graduated from their "snap-n-go" stroller to their "duoglider" stroller they are experiencing a new level of freedom on our trips out. Stella will just sit back with both arms stretched all the way out grabbing everything within reach. This was cute for a minute, then she managed to get her little grubby hands tangled in a clothing rack that nearly collapsed on all of us as she refused to let her tiny but tight grip go. At least my daughter has good taste, she ended up clinging onto a cute pair of True Religion jeans that I just couldn't resist buying. It was a sign. Afterall, I NEEDED a cute new pair of jeans. Plus, the sales clerk looked at me as if I had put my daughter up to swiping the denim so I sort of HAD to buy them.
These are just a few of the new things my girls are up to. I see so much on the horizon and I'm excited for my little critters to get moving! Crawling is just around the corner....
Now excuse me while I go nag my husband (again) to get moving on "Child Proofing" our house.
Nothing like coming home from a hard day of work to a nagging wife.